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Ngā Uara | Our Values

Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa a tangata
Together weaving the realization of potential

Whanaungatanga Relationships

  • We care for and value our relationships with tamariki, their whānau and staff.
  • We value and foster diversity.
  • We understand that every tamariki is unique, needs acceptance and respect to develop to their full potential.

Whakapono Trust

  • We build relationships on trust and mutual respect.

Nga Tūhono Partnership

  • We foster collaboration to build partnerships by listening and working together with effective communication.

We help your children reach their potential

We are very thankful for the continued support from Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto School.  We are fully approved by the Ministry of Social Development as a registered provider. Provider ID 8633.

BOSCO is a not-for-profit organisation and encourages active whānau participation. Please contact us to talk with our Programme Leader for further information.

Meet our incredible team

out of school care, before school programme, after school programme, photo of the assistant supervisor

Sam Kearns – Assistant 

Hi, my name is Sam.  I started working for BOSCO in December 2022. During the summer I enjoy playing cricket and I am a keen musician. I am in my second year of studying to be a Primary School teacher. I am originally from England, but Christchurch has been my home for the past 5 years now and I am loving it and being a part of the BOSCO family.

Training & Qualifications –

Training and Qualifications -

Comprehensive First Aid Certificate (renewed every 2 years) and Child Protection Module 1 & 2. 

Maisy Bowden – Assistant Supervisor

Hi my name is Maisy, in my spare time I love to hang out with my friends and to go surfing at Sumner beach, I also enjoy catching up with family as it is very important to me and we are very close, I enjoy walking my dog Elsie at the dog park. I’m my spare time I also like to go to the gym or go on walks up the hills to see the views with some of my friends.

Training & Qualifications –

Comprehensive First aid (renewed every 2 years), Child Protection Module 1 & 2 and Professional Development, Who's in Control? Working with Children in groups. Behaviour Guidance in OSCAR, Safe OSCAR: Supervision and Safety essentials. The good, the bad and the ugly of SOCIAL MEDIA.

out of school care, before school programme, after school programme, photo of the assistant

Our Management Board

BOSCO is managed by a voluntary Management Board of whānau, past and present. We meet on a Monday of each month in the BOSCO room from 6pm, childcare are provided for tamariki during this time. We encourage active whānau participation.

Interested in supporting our programmes in ways other than joining our committee? We also really appreciate whānau support in other ways, such as donating craft supplies, and assisting with your skill sets (e.g. electrical, plumbing etc.) Please contact our Programme Leader Harriet for further information or to join at

Treasurer –

Charlie Batchelor

Chairperson –

Matthew Darwent

Committee Members –

Caroline McKean (Secretary)
Christelle Burger
Amy Langbridge
Melissa Hurst